Fat Man Belly Button Piercing

Fat Man Belly Button Piercing

Who says that you can only wear a cute navel ring when you have flat and washboard abs! Well, people have defied the laws many times and so have people with a little paunch too. I think belly buttons in general look pretty awesome no matter what your body type is. Thus this list is composed of many fat stomach belly buttons or navel rings which will inspire you to make designs that you might like and get inspired from.

There are two main things that you need to look out for when you are considering getting yourself a fat stomach belly button or navel rings. First, the ring must be of the highest grade so that it lasts for a long time. If the style is your priority then you must also consider looking for stylish qualities and elements in this ring. You must look out for amazing colors and different shapes and sizes so that they look cool. The fat stomach belly button or navel rings you but, must have a style of its own with variations in colors, sizes, and options for different jewels and ornaments hanging on it. In addition to this, comfort and flexibility must not be compromised when choosing a fat stomach belly button or navel rings. It must be made from some safe and clean material so that it does not react to the skin and cause troubles. The fat stomach belly button or navel rings are in fashion right now and so you will get a lot of options online or even in your local piercing studios where you can make a selection of your own!

Are Certain Kinds of Belly Buttons Better For Piercings?

A navel or a belly button piercing is actually a piercing on top of the bottom of the skin of the actual navel which makes its name a bit misleading. There arent a specific belly button type (that we saw above) that can or can not have belly button piercings.  As long as you have sufficient skin above or below your navel, getting a piercing is possible. However, to do that it is always recommended to go to an experienced piercer.

Without a doubt, there must be extreme caution when trying to pierce a belly button and so it is only advisable to go to an expert who will know which area to pierce without bursting open any kind of important nerves or blood vessels that are around the belly button. You must also try to avoid anyone who uses a piercing gun to pierce your belly button because it won't be as precise as a person using a needle. Also, no matter what kind of piercing or equipment you choose to get pierced by, always make sure that it is sterilized.

If you have an improper or misplaced belly button piercing, it will put a lot of pressure on your belly button and might turn your innie into an outie. Thus, make sure you discuss any concerns that you have with your piercer first.

Certain Questions To Ask When Getting Your Belly Button Pierced

You need to make sure of the amount of skin or space that you have near your belly button to get your navel or belly button piercing. The stronger your muscles near the abdomens are the lesser complications you will face and will have a lesser healing time too. Many people often find that without a strong core the belly button often rips off or gets rejected especially when they bend or sit. It might sound like an excruciating thing to happen but you might not even feel how and when the piercing got removed from the skin.

You might also need to check out the right kind of jewelry material that would be suitable for you. if you want a simple navel or belly button piercing ten you can have that without complications. However, you might wanna change into a more elaborative kind of jewelry such as bigger barbells or hanging rings for which you might need to get replace your original piercing with a larger gauge needle to help encompass your new jewelry.

Ideas and Inspiration for Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

  • Adorable Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

You can customize your fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design which looks quite nice. It is a great one that you can wear and which you can make to look good on your skin. It is a great design that has been made. You can get a similar or same fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design in different colors.

  • Cute Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

This fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is a nice one. It is not only reliable to wear but also flexible and comfortable. This kind of fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design looks pretty awesome and one style can be available to you and different colors that look nice. I really like the whole concept.

  • Gentle Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

This fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design might be small but it looks really cool. The best part about the fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is that it is a great material with which you can make a great look! I think this fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is best for daily wear.

  • Wonderful Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

I really think that this fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is a great design and super cute too. I think it could be quite a significant fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design which looks really pretty. This fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design also has the apt material which looks quite amazing.

  • Attractive Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

I really think that this kind of fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design would actually help the person have a very comfortable month ahead, especially during healing. You must make sure that kind of material you are using is not irritants and would look pretty nice. This fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design si perfect!

  • Pleasant Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

This fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design looks pretty creative. It is always a great idea to add some dangling ornament if you do not want an add a beautiful jewel. I think this fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design would look really creative and not boring at all! This fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is a great one.

  • Appealing Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

I really like this simplistic fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design which is hanging onto the wearer's belly button. This kind of fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is best if you do not want something that is too elaborative. I think this fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design looks pretty awesome.

  • Positive Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

You can choose among different materials for your amazing fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design which would suit you the best. There are many types and many designs that you can choose from according to your style. This fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is a great one.

  • Marvelous Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

This one is definitely an elaborative and intricated fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design which looks quite nice. I see that you can also add loads of elements that would turn into your own theme that would look amazing. I really think that one does not have to compromise on fashion because of so many kinds of designs available in the market.

  • Fabulous Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

I really think that there's no shortage of cute fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design like this one here. It is a great fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design which looks pretty awesome. It is definitely something that you can flaunt in the open and would appear to be extremely adorable.

  • Shiny Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

This fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is a great one that looks pretty awesome. It is done with a beautiful stud which you can wish to add. There are plenty of fat stomach belly button or navel piercing designs that you can look out for and which will look equally awesome. It is a beautiful flat stomach belly button or navel piercing design.

  • Sweet Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

I really admire this amazing fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design. You can even get this kind of fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design in different colors which you can suit according to your style. This fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is a great one that you can wear.

  • Attractive Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

You can select your color for your fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design if you find it interesting. This fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is a great one that you can make and which looks pretty amazing. I really like this great fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design.

  • Fabulous Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

Adding studs and other jewels to your fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is an excellent idea because it makes your fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design look more appealing. This fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is a great one that will look pretty nice.

  • Fashionable Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

There are many benefits to wearing this kind of fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design. The first one is that it is super adjustable according to the size of your stomach. It can also be added to your belly without it being an irritant. It is a great fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design that looks lovely.

  • Stylish Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

This is a pretty floral fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design which looks quite nice. It is a great fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design which looks pretty awesome. This is a great fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design which is awesome and which looks pretty cute.

  • Tiny Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

I really like the set of these fat stomach belly buttons or navel piercing designs which would look good on any body type. I think these fat stomach belly button or navel piercing designs would have a lot of variety which would be pretty awesome. This fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is a great one.

  • Lovely Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

I really like this amazing fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design that has been made here. This kind of design looks absolutely gorgeous on people who want something that would not irritate their piercing and would rather be quite adjusting on their stomach. This fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design would look nice.

  • Sparkling Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

Who said that comfortable can't be stylish? This fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is not only comfortable but also very stylish. This amazing fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is a great one that can be made here and which will look quite nice when put on the belly.

  • Fantastic Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

You can personalize your fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design by adding some kind of notes or something special to your jewel. This fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is also very special because of the elements that have been added to it. You can customize it according to your needs.

  • Artistic Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

This is a pretty cute fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design that has been made here. As we said before, adding some personal elements to your fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design would really amp up the definition and significance of the fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design for you.

  • Cute Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

This is quite a fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design that has been made here. Not only does this look pretty elegant but it can also be made in different kinds of designs that are there. This fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design can also be made with different kinds of materials depending on your choice.

  • Nice Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

I really like this upper belly pricing which has been made on the belly of the wearer. It looks really interesting and is a great design as it looks very chic at the same time. You can put your fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design in various colors which would look amazing. This fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is a pretty nice one.

  • Beautiful Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

This is a nice creative fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design that has been made here. It looks quite amazing and is a great deal if you want something simplistic for yourself. I really like this amazing fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design which is a nice one and which can be worn by anyone at all.

  • Awesome Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

This amazing fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design with loads of jewels looks pretty cool. I really like this amazing fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design which has been worn here and which looks pretty awesome. You can get it done and infinite materials too but some materials are more comfortable to wear than others.

  • Lovely Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

You can try a get your fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design made in different kinds of shapes and sizes which will totally depend on your shape and size of the belly. However make sure that the heavier your fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is, the hole must be deeper so that it can support your fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design.

  • Smart Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

I really think that the fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design looks pretty cool on your belly. I think that it is the best material for your belly especially when it is growing is because it is comfortable and flexible. This kind of fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is a great one that can be made here.

  • Incredible Smart Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

You can use different kinds of the fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design which will be pretty awesome. You can choose various innovative methods that will look pretty nice. The whole fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design is a great one that is a pretty awesome thing to consider if you are making this fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design.

  • Beautiful Smart Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

It is even possible to make dangling jewelry to your fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design like it has been done here. You can add any kind of jewels to your fat stomach belly button or navel piercing design which will hang down and will look great. This is a beautiful flat stomach belly button or navel piercing design.

  • Marvelous Smart Navel Piercing on Fat Stomach

Navel Piercing on fat Stomach

This amazing fat stomach navel or belly button piercing design would look absolutely gorgeous and is superbly very flexible and comfortable to wear. This fat stomach navel or belly button piercing design is also really great for the skin. Other materials might give some kind of allergic reaction but this fat stomach navel or belly button piercing design will surely not.

Why Navel Piercing is Great for Fat Stomach

1. Location, Location, Location

The location of your navel is the most important thing to consider when you make your fat stomach belly button or navel rings especially if you are someone who is plus size. You want to make certain that the navel is exposed and not hidden between the rolls of the stomach especially when you sit down or bent over since air is needed to heal. If you do not get the needed air the flat stomach belly button or navel rings might not heal and might lead to infections and the growth of bacteria in the spot.

2. Avoid Aggravation

Avoiding inflammation is an essential part when trading with a navel piercing, despite their size, but plus-size ladies have to be a little extra care, as our stomachs manage to get "in the way" more than small abdomens do. The plus-size women face problems when the fat stomach belly button or navel rings get stuck between the rolls and it is always a problem to rub against each other and irritate the piercing that has been one. It can cause a problem for the healing process and can make an already healed piercing irritated too. Thus keep in mind the type of clothing you are wearing with it.

3. Keep It Clean

This is the kind of rule that everyone needs to follow despite their body or stomach size but the plus size women need to keep a lot more focus on it. The bigger belly buttons are deeper and have more space and so it is not always possible to clean the navels. Thus you must keep your piercing really clean and wash your navel with some sea salt water a few times a day.

4. Avoid Jewelry That Dangles

This might not sound like an important deal but jewelry which are dangling from the navel are usually a no-no for plus-size women. They might look stunning, but they might end up getting tucked inside your navel or belly button quite easily. They are also more likely to get caught between something or the skin might rub against it which will be really uncomfortable and extremely painful for the pairing. Thus goes for simpler kinds of pieces of jewelry with a curved barbell or Bioflex jewelry which are more flexible. This allows the fat stomach belly button or navel rings to move smoothly without being a cause of irritation and pain.

5. Show It Off

The fat stomach belly button or navel rings are often really pretty and accentuate the region where you got pierced. Thus you must definitely show this ring off that will make for a great design. The thing with plus size women is that they must never hide it but show it off.

6. Piercings Are More About Anatomy Than Body Type

According to many piercers, humans of all shapes and sizes go ahead and get themselves pierced. However whether or not a piercing will be successful is when it is the right kind and when you have sufficient skin near your belly. It has nothing to do with how much one weighs. It does not need you to have a certain body type.

For example, if your navel is outie and not an innie, then you might have some problems. It is far more important to know what kind of belly button you have than the fat you carry around your stomach. In the worst cases, you might not be able to pierce your belly but you still have all the other sports to pierce on.

7. Your Piercer Should Be Able To Tell You About Their Experience Level

No matter if you are thin or fat, and your size or anatomy does not matter here, but all that matters is that you can find out as much as possible about your piercer. You must be able to find a piercer who will be caring enough to ask all about your choices and designs. He will be able to ask all your questions and solve the queries by making sure you are comfortable. Many plus-sized people feel reluctant to get pierced because of this. Thus it is important to know if the piercer you are working with is also as body positive as you are. In the end, you have to find a shop that is comfortable and also friendly, otherwise, it wouldn't be worth it because the whole experience counts.

8. Aftercare Will Be The Same

If you fear that your fat stomach belly button or navel rings aftercare routine would be something different then fret now. It is quite the same. Proper aftercare steps are one of the most important things that you need to focus on no matter what your shape and body type is. You need to avoid anything perfumed and full of chemicals. You need to use antibacterial soaps that will keep away any bacterias. You must also buy or make at home a sea salt water solution and wash your fat stomach belly button or navel rings with it. You need to do it three times per day and spray your navel with some mist that will be pretty awesome for your navel health. It remains the same for everyone.

9. You Might Have To Order Custom Jewelry

If the most critical point that can happen as a consequence of getting a navel piercing when someone with a bigger belly is having to purchase new jewelry, I presume we're all rather okay. With all the kinds of the fat stomach belly button or navel rings present in the market it is quite ok to customize your jewelry so that your navel feels fresh and light and I easy to clean. This can be pretty tricky when you have a plus size stomach. Sometimes standard length fo jewelry would not really work for the navel of a plus-size woman and so you must allow yourself to get a customized fat stomach belly button or navel rings made which will be comfortable and would not pose any problem for your healing. It is not a bad deal and you can fulfill your aesthetic requirements for the same reason.

10. It Can Be A Really Nice Experience

As plus-size bodies are used to be let down, it's seldom simple to fall into the trap of believing we either won't be ready to have specific adventures or that some events will be essentially glum because of our size. Many people who have got themselves some fat stomach belly button or navel rings tell that other than mild teasing if you are getting pierced by your friends, you will not likely face any problem. In fact, you must bold up and take up a decision to do all the right things and prepare before you leave for your sesh. Thus it is very normal but must be taken in a fun way and know that it does not mean anything serious. In fact, it can turn into a great experience altogether.

11. It's Inspirational To Fat Babes

In fact, it is one of the most important things to get a beautiful fat stomach belly button or navel rings because it will definitely have an impact on people around you. It is something that will probably inspire other people who have the same problems as you even when a fat stomach belly button or navel rings wasn't your choice. It will help to bring visibility and make people more accepting of the fact that a fat stomach belly button or navel rings are normal. In a world where plus size women are breaking all the norms and defining a new normal, a fat stomach belly button or navel rings stands a chance quite all right.

Things that You Must Know Before You Get A Navel Piercing

Not everyone can get their belly button punched, so before you choose, read this part and make certain you know what sort of belly button you have and understand the dangers connected with getting one if your abdomen type isn't fit.

First, you require to know the shape of your belly button

Your belly button is actually a scar that was left when you were born. It is due to the removal of the umbilical cord which was connected to your mother during the pregnancy. The umbilical cord is known as the lifeline of the baby's body when you are inside the womb of your mother which carried all the nutrients and blood flow from the mother to the child to help that fetus develop into a baby. When the cord is cut during the birth, the arteries and veins which helps to pump the blood and make it flow to other places are still linked with you behind your belly button scar. That is why people who are piercing [professionally know that this area is important and they try to avoid as many complications as possible during the process.


[Considered fit for piercings]

  • Deep and round: Round navels that are perfectly disklike. [Considered suitable]
  • Vertical oval: An oval shape that is higher than it is broad. [Considered suitable]
  • Horizontal oval: An oval shape that is broader than it is long.[May be unsuitable – compare with your piercer if there is not sufficient protruding skin]
  • T-shaped: Matches the form of a T. [Considered suitable]


[May be disturbing– verify with your piercer]

  • Protruding outie: The core of your belly button sticks out, but there is normally a little space encompassing the outside which may be sufficient to provide for a piercing at the tip. [May be unsuitable – compare with your piercer]
  • Split outie: The protruding umbilical scar elongates outwards, but in normal cases cut is close to the middle, comparable in look to a coffee bean. [May be unsuitable – compare with your piercer if there is not suitable protruding surface]
  • Circlet: The totality of the umbilical cord remains protrudes, but the core of the knot has a hole that is normally more profound than it is wide. This normally follows a donut shape. [Most likely incompatible]
  • Swirly/Spiral: Although these are rather unique, the umbilical scar develops a swirl shape. The appearance can seldom look like the form of a hurricane/cyclone. [Most likely unsuitable]


  1. [Usually suitable] = In most circumstances, you should be able to arrange for a belly button piercing.
  2. [May be unsuitable – compare with your piercer] = You might be able to get a piercing but you need to ask for a professional's advice and probably come back with a plan B.
  3. [Most likely unsuitable] = It's very improbable that a licensed piercer will pierce you, but you should nevertheless drop into a piercing parlor and question first. It's a great plan to come with a backup strategy.

Kinds of Belly Buttons That Aren't Suitable for Navel Piercings

Professional people would know where you can and can't be pierced. Besides, every belly button is different and might have different anatomy altogether, yours might be ok to go for piercing. The main reason is that your belly button might not really be suitable for a piercing is because there is not enough skin for the hook of the jewel to hold into space or a loop that has been created for a long time.

The skin tends to shed the layers and so shallow piercings would find complications like migrations and rejections and wouldn't hold themselves for a very long time. So while it might be safe to get pierced, your body would not be able to hold the piercing and might reject it. Here are some kinds of belly button piercings that might not be suitable for getting pierced:

  • Protruding outie belly buttons
  • Split outie belly buttons
  • Circlet outie belly buttons
  • Swirly/spiral outie belly buttons
  • Belly buttons with umbilical hernias

Handling Navel Piercings During Pregnancy

Now you might have a question that what you must-do if you are pregnant and have a piercing on your navel? Well, first of all, don't fret! There are various options that you can use when you are pregnant and have a navel piercing. The first option that you can elect is the flexible PTFE and a threading tool to help you get a navel piercing.

You can convert your existing navel piercing into a belly button piercing by switching the previous surgical steel piercing with a length of PTFE. Cut the PTFE into the right length for your navel. Add some threads to either side of your belly button jewel using the threading tool and screw it on top of the ball and charm from the navel piercing that you are converting and voila! Here you go!

After you have delivered the baby, you might want to cut down the PTFE further to fit your existing belly size or you can simply go back to using the surgical steel navel jewel that you were wearing initially. There are hundreds of options that are available online or you can ask for recommendations from your piercing too.

You will also get options to externally threaded ends that you can combine yourself with a length of PTFE and make yourself your own pregnancy belly button jewel which will be tailor-made for utmost comfort. You can also get yourself an externally threaded ball with a loo on the bottom part by selecting the dangly charm on a navel ring that you like and then transfer the charm to the ball.

All of the above options that have been discussed here allow you to keep your piercings during your pregnancy days and once it is over, you can rearrange your previous jewelry back by reattaching the charm for your initial surgical steel barbell that you got it screwing the ends that you bought on a new bent barbell. You can even cut down the shaft in a PTFE belly rings to shorten its length so that it fits you perfectly!

The Belly Button Piercing Recovery Process

The recovery process for each person varies widely when it comes to the belly button. There is a lot of movement in this area of your body and so you must take care of this perpetual friction which might be harmful to your piercing. Besides the pants, and other tight clothing might interrupt the piercing by rubbing against it and further irritating the area around your belly button. It is a pretty sensitive area initially and must not be disturbed much.

Belly buttons also tend to trap a lot of dirt inside which makes caring for your belly button extremely important. If you decide to keep your belly button clean and wear loose-fitting clothing, it might help a lot to heal it properly and better. You might feel that the piercing has been healed within a matter of 4 to 6weeks but it can sometimes take about 6 months to heal completely. In some cases, it has even taken a year for the navel piercing to heal entirely.

During the healing stages, you must make sure to follow some of this process and some guidelines which might be provided by your piercer to minimize the chances of developing an infection or so that you can evade any chances of migration or rejection, and promote a successful healing process.

  1. Keep your belly button clean!Allow warm water to run all over your body especially your navel area when you take a shower. However, do not scrub the pierced part of your navel. Let the sudsy water run over it. YOu can then wash your piercing with sea salt water by creating one of your own or by buying it. You can similarly perform soaks with cotton balls. You must do these soak at least 3 times a day to make sure that the gatherings around your navel have been properly cleaned which will help avoid any kind of infections and bacterias to spur in that area.
  2. Be gentle when removing "crusties." Your body's natural reaction to any kind of foreign object is to produce discharge which is a clear fluid that dries up to form some kind of crust but it is no longer consider healthy just to neglect it. Before, the piercers used to tell people to clear the crustie by removing or moving the jewels a couple of times in the day which is no longer recommended. It can cause the bacteria around it to enter the navel which can lead to many problems. You can use cotton balls dipped in sea saltwater solution to remove these crusties which will help soften them and then they can easily come off with a gentle wipe.
  3. Don't change your jewelry prematurely. With so many kinds of belly buttons that are available in the market, it is quite impossible to feel tempted. But try to resist it a much as you can. The belly button jewel that has been inserted should be extra long in the first place and must not be removed before it has healed completely. Even if you have little to no swelling, chances are that if you try to fiddle with it, it will swell up immensely. This is also the time when dirt and bacteria can enter your system causing various kinds of infections so you should stick with the same jewelry that was attached to your piercing until your wound has healed 100 percent. Also, just the method of changing jewelry can irritate a healing navel piercing, especially if you're employing externally-threaded belly button jewelry, which is not really advisable to use because it will scrape off the delicate healing skin over the navel.
  4. Do switch your jewelry if you're having an allergic reaction. Some people might develop some kind of allergic reaction to the material of the piercing. A lot of cheap body jewels has a lot of nickel init to which most people are allergic. Thus it is highly recommended that you only use surgical steel belly jewels or titanium navel jewels. Titanium is the most recommended jewelry option that anyone will suggest. It also gives the best results when it comes to healing and aftercare. If you do not have these kinds of jewels and suffer from an allergic reaction, you might immediately want to switch your belly piercing jewel to these metals even if it has been a few days to piercing. You must not try to do it yourself and instead go to your piercer to let them do the process of removing the same. Not only is it difficult for a fresh piercing but also dangerous.
  5. Avoid oils, balms, and creams!Oils, balms, and creams are strict to be avoided. There are more methods to nourish and moisturize your skin but using oils and creams isn't one of them. In fact, oils and creams can also trap bacterias and infections inside. If you feel that your skin is dry then you can probably add tea tree oil to your sea salt solution mix which would help moisturize your skin. It also has amazing antibacterial properties which will help moisturize your skin and nourish it. Do not apply the tea tree oil to your skin directly. It must always be diluted with some kind of carrier like the sea salt solution ad then used. You must not use more than 2 to 3 drops per cup of the sea salt solution.

Dos and Don'ts During Belly Button Healing

Let us face the fact: The internet is full of advice that might or might not be true. Thus, if you want to experience something, make sure you ask your doctor or your piercer first before experimenting on yourself. Here are some general Dos and Donts that you must follow:


  • You must wear loose clothes or even go shirtless if you can. This would help minimize the friction and thus irritation around the skin.
  • You must take care of your general health. So sleep, eat, and drink well so that your skin can heal better. Skin heals better when the immune system is strong.
  • Wash your hands a lot and especially before you touch the pierced part. It will help prevent any bacteria formation which will cause infection.
  • Avoid all kinds of public pools, rivers, beaches, jacuzzi, ponds, oceans, etc which will introduce new bacteria and which can cause infections.
  • Make sure that any kind of cosmetic product gets drained or cleaned away from the surface of your piercing.
  • You must remove the formation of the crust by using the Q tip.
  • You must avoid overexposure to the sun with your belly button exposed.
  • If a certain type of swelling occurs, you can reduce the swelling by using an ice pack!


  • Touch, fiddle with, or rotate your jewelry. It needs to be as immovable as possible. Otherwise, it can cause rejection or migration and will hurt more than it did before.
  • Do not scratch your belly button even if it itches. Instead, try and calm down the irritation by icing your belly button. It will help calm down the itch and will relieve the pain too.
  • You must avoid using products like Neosporin, bactine, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or antibacterial soap. These create a lot of problems with piercing, which comprises migration, excess scar tissue, and extended healing. Creams can suppress the piercing, and sanitizers can burn the skin
  • Do not wear tight clothing because it will restrict the air from entering the piercing space and will increase the healing time.
  • Do not change your jewels until you are sure that you are completely healed. Ask for your piercer's advice. Show him or her your infected area and wait for their approval.
  • Do not use a tanning bed.
  • Do not make sudden jerky movements with your belly button which can cause the skin to be pulled or displaced from its original position.
  • Avoid keeping your pairing under bandage at all times which can cause infection.
  • Do not sleep on your stomach which will cause too much pressure and discomfort on your skin.

 Belly Button or Navel Rings Pros and Cons for Chubby Belly

Although getting a belly button has its own pros and cons but it is rather a stylish piece of jewelry that has been trending for quite a while now. Even so, you must make sure that you are comfortable with the idea of getting pierced and must know all the advantages and disadvantages of piercing your belly button. Here are some things that you must know:


  • They look marvelous.
  • You can combine and match the jewels efficiently to accommodate your mood.
  • They aren't extremely uncomfortable to get pierced.
  • You can nevertheless keep them when you're expecting (with unique jewelry)


  • Not everyone can get a belly button or navel piercing (e.g. if you have an outie – read above for more information as to which navels can be pierced and which cant!)
  • The position suggests they manage to move about a lot with your body move (e.g. sitting) and may take longer to recover, or not improve at all. This largely affects people with bigger stomachs.
  • It's not very obvious to see guys carrying belly button or navel piercing.

Fat Man Belly Button Piercing

Source: https://bodyartguru.com/navel-piercing-on-fat-stomach/
